Beauty Showcase
The skillful use of wood, precision in construction, experience in handicrafts, intuition in creativity and ability in the decorative arts are the characteristics that perpetuate the renown of the Italian tradition of furniture, valued and desired the world over. Every piece is a little masterpiece of quality and refinement, while maintaining a spirit of the everyday, expressing the warmth of tremendous aesthetic and emotional affability. Intimacy and glamour find simultaneous expression, making the home a treasure trove of everyday affection, while remaining a stunning setting.
All the furniture of the collections are constructed in wood of the highest quality, manufactured by skilled artisans, and adorned with ornamental carvings and decorations, all still made by hand. Trim, gilt, inlay and the very grain of the wood magnificently exalt the surfaces, bringing to the rooms a unique, singular power to represent, to triumph over the gaze and the attention. The special prerogative of the collection is to furnish an entire environment, whether the dining room, the bedroom or the fitted study, where furniture harmoniously melds into one, in perfect continuity and unrivalled elegance. The best part is discovering the features of every piece, revealing its secret, whether big or small, functional or aesthetic.